Tuesday 5 December 2017

Four Advantages of Google’s Golang Programming Language

Go is an open-source programming language introduced and developed by Google in 2009 to build reliable, high-performance software. Golang has many advantages, some of which include:

  1. Fast development lifecycle: Compiled languages are faster than interpreted languages, and Google developed Go with speed in mind. Go optimizes the code writing process because its compiler accelerates the development process, and it possesses superior error-checking capabilities.
  2. Garbage Collection: Golang provides a garbage collection feature, which means automatic memory management. When programmers don’t need to worry about memory management, they can focus on more important issues.
  3. Simple syntax: Compared to other programming languages, Go is easy to understand and simple to code. Golang has a rich standard library and extensive documentation which makes coding even simpler.
  4. Concurrency: Golang supports concurrency, meaning programmers can divide large programs into smaller sub-programs so they can write and test multiple aspects of a program at the same time. 
The best Go development services are usually provided by certified and experienced programmers who know how to leverage the power of Go technology to optimize software and application performance.

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